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Bloomberg:“Russian wheat is far cheaper,”

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    Tom gets good movement so it's not an issue for the rest of the prairies.

    Don't bring up the fact guys were trucking grain 800 miles to get delivery.

    The fact is if you drive past your local point in this so called competitive market place you are costing your farm and the public infrastructure (taxpayer) money.

    To the benefit of the railways, refineries etc.


      Price Arbitrage always has a cost Bucket.

      Most grain co's today will compete... if given a reasonable chance... to provide competitive prices.

      I have been blessed with folks that do want to be our marketing partners... we pay a big extra capital cost in land for being next to the market... nothing comes for free!



        We should all farm in AB, grow crops without rain like magic. We got 12" and lucky to get 50 bu. Too f*cking much rain, 5.5" would have been better crops!



          And pay $3500-4500 per acre for dryland central AB grain farmland.


            Ok Tom Ive read your positive posts and I dont get it. Just like you I farm in AB just a little further north. Ive driven Hwy 14, Hwy 13 and Hwy 26. Ive been south on 36. Who are u trying to fool? Most of the wheat around there is 12' tall and probably would have made more money in Rawe's silage pit then being combined. Being positive is one thing but Ive been where you farm and there is no 60 bushel wheat crops and 50 bushel canola crops. 30 - 40 bushel wheat crops ill believe and the odd later seeded 30 bushel canola crop. Sorry but it just isnt there. Just not sure what you are talking about anymore. Maybe I blinked while I past your farm and you were hit with some rainstorm none of your neighbours got but Im sorry I dont believe you...


              I agree Tom it's great to be positive but realistic it's not a big crop sorry.


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